This is my incredibly stupid page. I may, or may not, have some
things here:
Academic Stuff
Other Stuff
'n Begeleide Toer van die Le Hwa
nagmark in Yong Ho City, Taipei County, Taiwan.
Getting cheap telco stuff in SA crappy website.
My MCP Selfish Extorting Gangboss Ex-Friend Francois "I'm a jerk" Botha's crappy website.
The Banana-split-personality Nutty Lazy-assed Completely Useless and Most Importantly Wheel-less Punk Jack "Dumbass" Versfeld's unbelievably vapidly vacuous excuse for a website.
The Nagging Bedsore-like Icy Cold Unfortunate Experience that is Wendy-"Frigid"Leigh Vandoolaeghe's stupidly pretentious wannabe academian's excuse for a website.
Stefan Johann"e is in my broek en ek kom netdeur omdat my Pa Dekaan was" van der Walt 's blond-ass pseudo-intellectual whorehouse of a website. Typical for a signalphreaking-pimple-faced espresso-degenerate such as Stefan.
My research group's site. Somewhat less stupid than above links.