
Galeon is, in spite of its warts, still my browser of choice. However, Firefox seems like a better long term option, and also seems to have sprouted the features I need.

So, now I will try and install plugins as neccesary to get my favourite galeon features working in firefox.



This badboy is supposed to

Ctrl Tab Preview

Gives you a preview of each tab window when switching. Looks nice, but removed since it's slow.


Allows you to remove search plugins. WHY is this a plugin and not a core part of firefox?

Smart Bookmarks

The search plugins are kinda silly, but Custom_Keywords pretty much does what I want.

I assign, say, deb, as a shortname to the custom keyword. Now, in the location bar, I type deb searchstring, and then it does the lookup for me. Actually nice, since it prevents space from being wasted.

In fact, I liked this so much that I removed the standard search plugin thingy from the toolbar.