Movies I like
- Blade Runner
- Pulp Fiction
- Lost Highway
- Lost in Translation
- Pi
- Requiem for a Dream
- Hero
- Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
- The Big Cahuna
- Tsotsi
- The Life Aquatic
- Cowboy Bebop movie
- Kill Bill I (II is so-so)
- 2046
- Chung King Express
- Karakter
Movies to see
Music to check
- circlesquare (volgens jack: weet nie probeer maar dalk is dit nie
kak nie en jy hou hiervan)
- Masha Qrella (het cool geklink op dirty radio)
- Naum Gabo (Red Cones) (dirty radio het te veel cool stuffs)
Books to check
- The Dirty Work of Democracy: A Year on the Streets with the SAPS