
Sien TODO, TeleComsIlluminatiWiki#NeilenMarais

Comments on Draft ADSL Regulations


Costs should be split into 4 tiers plus a once-off installation charge.

A. Once-off installation charge levied by network operator to ISP and recov ered by ISP from end-user. Cost of setting up a user's connection from user’s premises to the ISP.

B. Recurring Costs by the network operator to ISPs should be regulated and include 2 service components:

The authority shall, at the request of the parties, intervene and make a determination wherever there is disagreement on the basic connection servic e (as outlined in par 1 above) and/or wholesale rates for bandwidth (as referenced in par 2 above).

C. End user service.

Service providers (SPs) offer ADSL services to end users.

All SPs must offer a basic service consisting of a 512kbps connection to th e Internet. The basic service shall be capped at 3GB and subject to a reasona ble minimum service level standard by international norms.

SPs may provide any other service at their discretion.

Any service with capping, including the basic service outlined above, must be unshaped.